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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE, Secondary Oskar's Grandmother, Secondary Oskar's grandfather, The film is about a nine years old boy who tries to discover the mystery of a key that he found after his father death. Conflict, Main characters Thomas Schell, Extremely loud and Incredibly close Setting Place, Relationship Extremely loud refers to the relatinchipo between oskar and his father. Incredible close because he always feels his father's presence while he tries to discover the mistery., Extremely loud and Incredibly close Characters Main characters, Main characters Oskar schell, Extremely loud and Incredibly close Relationship, Secondary Linda Schell, Place New York, Secondary Abby Black, Extremely loud and Incredibly close Characters Secondary, Secondary Mr A.Black, Extremely loud and Incredibly close Theme, Extremely loud and Incredibly close Setting Date, Extremely loud and Incredibly close Characters Relationship, Date 2001, Conflict ???? Oskar has a problem within himsilf about his father. He does not want to forget his father after he dies,but he is struggling to hold on to him., Theme The film is about a nine years old boy who tries to discover the mystery of a key that he found after his father death.